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What is Advanced SW LORETA neurofeedback?

by Dr. Sal Barba, PhD., BCN

SW LORETA (Sorted Weighted Low Resolution Electromagnetic Brain Tomography in real time 3-D) is a multi-channel-full cap advanced neurofeedback approach in helping individuals with a variety of cognitive, emotional, physiological and learning challenges. This training method helps to regulate networks in the brain and helps to enhance cognitive, emotional and physiological functioning. Research has shown neurofeedback to be effective in addressing a variety of clinical applications, including performance issues, learning challenges, attention deficits, autism, sleep, depression, anxiety, PTSD and addiction. Unlike standardized clinical grade cortical surface neurofeedback, SW LORETA training targets various neuro-networks in the brain addressing cortical and subcortical regions, such as in Parkinson's, and challenges related to balance, or other regions of the brain such as A-fantasia, or Alexithymia. 

The individual observes real-time feedback of his brain functioning during Neurotherapy, which helps build awareness of inner states and make changes in a healthier, more balanced direction. Feedback is presented with the use of a computer, video animation or bar graphs, and a 19 channel sensor cap, which  is administered on the scalp, in order to detect EEG activity - see image below. Upon successful analysis of a QEEG Brain Map, a customized protocol is designed, based upon the location and symptoms of the client.

Biofeedback training is a neurophysiological approach that can be integrated with neurofeedback by teaching skills such as relaxation and lowering arousal. Biofeedback sensors are worn to detect pulse rate, breathing, temperature or skin sweat. Biofeedback increases awareness of physiological states and is an effective regulation practice.

As a clinician practicing for forty years, I integrate contemplative practices during a training session, such as guiding the client to learn how to notice, attune to thoughts, feelings, attention, mood, breathing rhythm, and how to enhance skill during training to deepen awareness, self reflection, empathy, insight and integration of what is learned from session to session. Furthermore, the client learns to become an active participant in their training sessions by learning how to integrate visualization and imagination to benefit and experience positive change as they are engaged in a training session utilizing this advanced neuro-technology.

After 10 sessions of Advanced SW LORETA Neurofeedback Training with a client, depression, attention, anxiety and PTSD showed remarkable improvements in neuro-network regulation identified at the cortical and subcortical regions. A customized protocol was developed to target multiple areas of the brain that were simultaneously trained toward a successful outcome. 

The Navistat image below shows the QEEG Baseline taken prior to developing the customized multi-channel protocol. The tenth session using the customized protocol shows remarkable regulation of network function (brain image on the left compared to the QEEG Baseline on the right). The key to successful neurofeedback outcome is to identify the right location and the right symptoms when providing advanced neurofeedback that addresses multiple neuro-network training. 

What is Advanced SW LORETA neurofeedback?, CCM and Neurofeedback of Seattle in Seattle, WA